Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Did BUSH really win in IRAQ?

I fail to understand which side of the coin should I look at. America started invading Iraq some 5 yrs back, threw Saddam Hussein from his dictator rule some 4 yrs back, and prosecuted him infront of a camera phone some 3 yrs back. And now Bush has started ordering his troops back, after about 4000 American army men and thousands of Iraqi civilians are dead. America pumps more then $100 billion of tax payers money into Iraq every year. Few months back, I cared a damn about this figure since I did not contribute towards it. But after my move from Australia to USA in July, this figure disturbs me. America has spent more then $2 trillion dollars in Iraq towards rebuilding the country, but really, to make their point i.e USA is still a "Super-Power" and it can poke its nose in anyone's business or should I say anyone's country. Money spent in Iraq every year / Number of people in America paying tax, gives a figure which is the 'amount every tax-payer pays in a yr to re-build Iraq'. The amount is approximately $ 1650 a year. Why am I not surprised? I am pretty sure, every American family and 'Aliens' like me will have a better use for $1650 each year than blowing up buildings and people in Iraq.

But, what I do not understand is where is the government getting the nerves to still spend this money in Iraq? Being in USA now for the last few months, has allowed me to have a first-hand feel of what America is going through. All I read in the paper day after day, is about the crisis and how to handle such an uncongenial situation. People are losing their jobs, the Unemployment fund is getting depleted in every state, people do not have money to pay for their medical treatment, and even if they have the money to pay for it, they are complaining of not being able to drive to the medical centers because of the gas price being too high. Is it only the people who are feeling it, doesn't the Congress get the point? If they do, then how are they still able to pump millions of dollars each day into Iraq.

Guess, I am deviating from my point here. The point I was trying to make is, that has USA really achieved anything in these last 5 yrs of invading IRAQ. I would say, its a point worth pondering upon.

What has got me thinking is the news all around about the recent progress in Iraq. Death tolls have reduced, though every now and then there are some people willing to test the mightiness of deadly bombs , killing themselves and others with them. But progress continues in Iraq, albeit slowly. Iraq is moving towards having an Electorate, although the move from Dictatorship to Democracy is going to be an interesting one. Countries like U.A.E, Bahrain and China are pumping in money in trucks for reconstruction projects. Needless to say, these countries have vested interests in doing so, but nonetheless it's towards building the country and eventually for the Iraqis. Iraqi cities like Najaf and Mosul are under much better control, then what they were few years back. New schools, hospitals, roads connecting the key cities, airports are being built. With the tremendous oil resource in the country, it will not be long before oil-thirsty nations start putting their money in Iraq to quench their thirst for more and more oil. All these measures are going to reinvigorate its economy and bring Iraq back into the map.

But would all this have been possible without Bush invading Iraq????

- Namit

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